
Looking for Von Katz Soap Retailer?
Von Katz Soaps and Gift Baskets has partnered with some great businesses to supply and stock quality soaps and products.
Here are our Stockists
We are Delighted to Announce:
We are the supplier of export quality soaps to DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade)
The soaps are gifts for special guests at public diplomatic relations and cultural programs overseas. This includes Australian Trade Exhibitions, Embassies & the High Commission.
Von-Katz Soaps & Gift Baskets are very proud to represent Australia overseas.
Various B & B's, Gift Hamper Suppliers and Real Estate Agents use Von-Katz Soaps for their valued clients.
Von-Katz Soaps & Gift Baskets are a perfect choice for any occasion and make and ideal branded promotional product for your business.